
How to Write a Winback Email that Converts

How to write a winback email that converts
Winback emails are a fantastic way to reconnect with customers who’ve drifted away and bring them back into your brand’s journey. 
Often called reactivation campaigns. These emails play a vital role in boosting customer engagement, which is the lifeblood of any successful email marketing strategy.
Unlike traditional catalog marketing, which can get pricey and less effective—winback emails offer a budget-friendly approach. It is an impactful way to reignite customer interest. 
However, with nearly 10 billion emails sent daily in the U.S. as of April 18, 2024, how can you ensure your email stands out? 
Data of emails sent daily in the U.S.
To cut through this massive volume, you need a powerful and effective email marketing strategy to stay ahead of the competition.
In this guide, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about creating effective winback emails. You’ll learn when to send them and how to leverage them to their fullest potential. 
Let’s get started on bringing those customers back!

What is a Winback Email?

Definition of a winback email for e-commerce.

How to Write a Customer Winback Email

Creating an impactful winback email campaign involves several key steps. Here’s how to get started:

1. Identify Inactive Contacts

Before diving into your winback email campaign, you need to identify which contacts are inactive. 
However, there’s no universal rule for determining when an email address becomes inactive; it varies by business. For some, inactivity might mean no engagement for a few weeks, while others may wait several months.
To classify contacts effectively, analyze your sales data and track the interaction rates of your loyal customers. Regularly update your list of inactive emails to ensure your winback campaigns target the right audience.

2. Determine When to Send Emails

Knowing the right timing is crucial for winback campaigns. Best practices suggest sending winback emails to inactive contacts at intervals of three months. 
This approach balances the need for re-engagement without overwhelming recipients with too frequent communications. Waiting too long can lead to fading memories of why they initially signed up, making it harder to rekindle their interest.

3. Write Compelling Copy

The effectiveness of your winback email heavily relies on your copy. Here are some guidelines to ensure your message resonates:
  • Use action verbs: Active language captures attention and encourages engagement.
  • Keep it simple: Clear, straightforward language is more effective than clever but convoluted phrasing.
  • Avoid Spammy Subject Lines: Ensure your subject line is enticing but not misleading.
  • Be Concise: Short and relevant content is more likely to hold the reader’s attention.
Remember, your goal is to write like a human, not a robot. Keep your tone conversational and engaging while delivering your message succinctly.

4. Include a Call to Action (CTA)

Your winback email should inspire action. A clear and compelling call to action (CTA) is vital for guiding recipients toward the next step. Consider the following tips when crafting your CTA:
  • Use Strong Declarative Statements: Encourage immediate action with clear directives.
  • Incorporate Emotion: Use enthusiastic language that evokes feelings of excitement.
  • Create a Sense of Urgency: FOMO (fear of missing out) can motivate customers to act quickly.
  • Provide a Solid Reason: Explain what’s in it for them if they click through.
The definition of a CTA.

Winback Email Campaign Examples

Looking for a little inspiration to reconnect with customers? Here are some fresh winback email ideas that can spark your creativity:

1. Product Improvement Survey

If you’re looking to gather valuable insights about your products and improve customer satisfaction, a survey email is the way to go. This simple, straightforward email invites customers to share feedback while offering a small incentive to boost participation. It’s a great way to engage your audience while gathering the information you need for product improvements.

Product Improvement Survey email copy example

2. Exclusive Comeback Offer

When a popular product returns, it’s a perfect opportunity to reconnect with your customers. This email is designed to announce the comeback of a well-loved product, paired with a special discount to encourage immediate action. Use this template to spark excitement and urgency among your customers.

Exclusive Comeback Offer example email copy.

3. Seasonal Reminder

Every new season presents a unique chance to connect with your customers through your latest collection. This email highlights your seasonal products and includes exclusive deals for your loyal shoppers.

Seasonal Reminder example email copy.

4. Welcome Back Discount

This email warmly invites customers back with a special discount to encourage them to shop again. It’s an effective way to spark their interest in your brand and motivate them to return.

Welcome Back Discount example email copy.

5. Limited Edition Alert

If you’ve launched new, limited-edition items, this email is perfect for creating urgency and excitement. Customers love exclusivity, and limited-edition products drive faster sales. Use this template to highlight what’s special and get customers to act quickly before the items sell out.

Limited Edition Alert example email copy.

6. Friendly Check-In

A friendly check-in email can help you reconnect with customers who may have lost interest or haven’t engaged with your brand for some time. This email gives them the option to stay subscribed, making it a respectful and effective way to win them back.

Friendly Check-In example email copy.

Best Practices for Winback Emails

To create effective winback emails that resonate with customers, consider these best practices:

1. Emphasize Value

Make sure your customers understand the unique value you offer. Clearly communicate why they should choose your products or services over competitors.

2. Send at the Right Time

Target your winback emails specifically to customers who haven’t interacted in the last three months. This focused approach ensures your message reaches those who are most likely to respond.

3. Personalize Emails

Did you know, that 72% of customers are more likely to respond to personalized messages?
Personalization can make a significant difference. Addressing customers by their name in your emails helps establish a connection and makes them feel valued.

4. Optimize Email Subject Lines

Crafting an engaging subject line is key to grabbing attention. Simple yet emotive phrases, such as “We Miss You!” can create an instant connection.

5. Stick to the Point

Keep your winback emails concise and focused. Customers appreciate getting straight to the heart of the matter, which helps them decide whether to engage further.

6. Perform A/B Testing

A/B testing allows you to experiment with different approaches. By sending two variations of your winback email to inactive subscribers, you can identify which strategy yields better results.

7. Offer Incentives

Incentives can be a powerful motivator. Whether it’s a discount, a freebie, or exclusive content, providing an enticing offer can encourage customers to re-engage with your brand.

Winback Your Customers With 11 Agency

Okay, wait. This is not sales talk. How about you look at the results and decide for yourself?
Here are 11 Agency’s winback email examples:
Example of an email marketing using promo code.
Example of an email marketing using discounts.
Example of a winback email marketing for pet stores.

                      More email marketing examples you might like.

Wrapping Up

Putting together an enticing winback email could be crucial for reigniting relationships with customers who haven’t engaged in a while.
By understanding your audience, writing engaging content, and utilizing effective strategies, you can create emails that not only resonate with your audience but also drive conversions. 
Remember, the goal is not just to win back customers but to foster a lasting relationship that keeps them coming back for more. With the right approach, your winback emails can breathe new life into your customer engagement strategy, transforming once-disengaged subscribers into loyal brand advocates. 
Start crafting your winback email today, and watch as your engagement rates soar!