
What’s the Best Time to Send Abandoned Cart Emails?

best time to send abandoned cart emails

Did you know that abandoned cart emails are recorded to consistently have high engagement across all industries? In fact, according to Klaviyo’s analysis, abandoned cart flows drive the highest average Revenue per Recipient (RPR) at $3.65 and the highest conversion rate at 3.33%, when compared to other flows.

An abandoned cart email is a powerful tool to recover lost sales. However, timing is crucial for its effectiveness.

Sending the email too soon or too late can significantly impact its conversion rate. In this blog, we’ll dive into the best time to send abandoned cart emails and why getting the timing right is key to boosting conversions.

What is Abandoned Cart Timing and Why Does It Matter?

Abandoned cart timing refers to the interval between a customer abandoning their cart and receiving the first abandoned cart email. The timing of this email is critical because it determines how likely the customer is to remember their cart and complete the purchase.
Sending the email too early might annoy customers, while sending it too late might result in them forgetting about the items or purchasing from a competitor.

Why Do Customers Abandon Their Carts?

Understanding why customers abandon their carts can help you optimize your abandoned cart email strategy. Common reasons include:

Why Do Customers Abandon Their Carts?

Checkout process issues

Complex or lengthy checkout processes can add unnecessary friction to customers. Multi-page checkouts, mandatory account creation, and excessive form fields can frustrate users and lead to abandonment.

Streamlining the process with guest checkout options, progress indicators, and minimal required fields can improve completion rates.

Hidden Charges

Additional charges like shipping fees, taxes, or handling costs that appear late in the checkout process can surprise customers and cause them to reconsider their purchase.

Transparency about all costs upfront, offering free shipping thresholds, or providing shipping calculators early in the process can help with this issue.

Lack of Trust

Security concerns or doubts about the website’s legitimacy can lead to abandonment. Your customers may be hesitant to provide personal and financial information if they don’t feel the site is secure.

Displaying security badges, SSL certificates, and trusted payment method logos prominently can help alleviate these concerns. Plus, clear contact information and customer reviews can boost credibility.

Product Information Gaps

Insufficient product details, unclear sizing information, or vague return policies may cause hesitation and ultimately lead to cart abandonment. To avoid this, make sure to provide comprehensive product descriptions, high quality images from multiple angles. Whenever possible, clearly state return and exchange policy to help your customers make informed decisions and feel more confident in their purchases.

Limited Payment Options

Not offering preferred payment methods can be a deal-breaker for some customers. Providing a variety of options, including credit cards, PayPal, and newer methods like Apple Pay or Buy Now, Pay Later services, can cater to different customer preferences and increase conversion rates.

Technical Issues

Slow-loading pages, broken links, or errors during the checkout process can frustrate customers and lead to abandonment.

To avoid such technical issues, conduct regular website maintenance, performance optimization, and thorough on your website—both on PC and mobile.

Lack of Customer Support

When questions or issues arise during the checkout process, immediate support can make the difference between a completed sale and an abandoned cart.

Offering live chat support, easily accessible FAQs, or prominent contact information can provide the assistance customers need to complete their purchase.

When is the Best Time to Send Abandoned Cart Emails?

The optimal timing for the first abandoned cart email is generally within one hour of cart abandonment. This timeframe balances the risk of annoying the customer with the chance of them still considering the purchase.

Here’s a suggested abandoned cart email sequence:

  • Email 1: Send within 1 hour of abandonment.
  • Email 2: Send 24 hours after the first email.
  • Email 3: Send 3-4 days after the second email.

This sequence allows you to reach customers at different stages of their decision-making process.

How Many Emails Should Be in Your Abandoned Cart Flow?

While three emails are a common starting point, the optimal number of emails depends on your specific audience and industry. Some customers might need multiple reminders, while others might be converted with the first email.

Your Abandoned Cart Flow can be adjusted based on your specific needs and customer behavior. Some businesses find success with a two-email sequence, while others might extend to four or five emails for higher-ticket items or longer sales cycles.

8 Factors to consider when determining the number of emails:

  1. Product type and price point: Higher-priced items or those requiring more consideration might benefit from a longer sequence.
  2. Customer lifecycle: New customers might need more nurturing compared to repeat buyers.
  3. Industry norms: Some industries have higher tolerance for follow-up emails than others.
  4. Email performance metrics: Monitor open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates for each email in the sequence. If later emails continue to drive significant conversions, it might be worth adding more to the flow.
  5. Unsubscribe rates: If you notice a spike in unsubscribes after a certain number of emails, it might indicate you’re sending too many.
  6. Seasonality: During peak shopping seasons, you might consider a more aggressive approach with additional emails.
  7. Time sensitivity: For time-sensitive offers or limited stock items, a shorter, more urgent sequence might be more effective.
  8. Customer feedback: Pay attention to any direct feedback from customers about the frequency of your emails.

So, What Now?

Timing is everything when it comes to abandoned cart emails. By understanding customer behavior and experimenting with different time intervals, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of your abandoned cart flow. Remember to personalize your emails, offer incentives, and create a sense of urgency to maximize conversions.